Seeking breathe taking, imaginative and
erotic hypnosis phone sex?
Now, I want you to imagine that you are checking your body to ensure you become totally relaxed... as your muscles relax, just let your mind relax also ... begin with your feet... feel your toes... make them into a fist... stretch them, feel the texture of what your feet are resting on ... begin to tighten your calve muscles ... now relax them ... let that relaxation spread past your ankles, up your calves to the back of the knee ... feel those muscles easing ... resting comfortably ... now your thighs, pull them tight ... be aware of those long muscles tensing ... now relax those muscles ... feel them lengthening and resting comfortably ... feel your legs as they sink even deeper into the cushions as you relax even more ... now your stomach muscles, pull them together gently ... now let them expand and relax comfortably. Your shoulders and back muscles ... flex your shoulders ... feel those muscles pull across your back ... now let your shoulders slouch as you relax the muscles ... and notice how your spine sinks deeper into your chair, as your relax even more deeply ... notice how easy and regular your breathing has become. Now your fingertips and fingers, clench them, feel that tension ... now relax them ... and allow the relaxation to spread up your arms to your neck. Make sure your neck is comfortable with your head in an easy position ... tighten up your neck muscles ... now let them loosen up ... as the muscles relax, allow your neck to fall back into a comfortable position. And now your face muscles ... squeeze up your face and feel the tension ... now relax those muscles and feel them lengthening and softening, relaxing more than ever before. You can now feel the air temperature against your skin ... it feels smooth and comfortable ... now you can allow the relaxation to reach your scalp, knowing that you are relaxed throughout your body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Your body is now loose ... and limp ... and heavy ... and relaxed ... notice how your body is sinking deeper into relaxation ... as your breathing becomes more regular and easy. In a moment I will count slowly from ten and go down to zero ... and with each and every number you drift deeper ... and deeper into peaceful relaxation. Ten ... nine ... eight ... seven ... six ... five ... four ... three ... two ... one ...
You are now feeling so deeply relaxed in my hypno-erotic trap... you find it easy to focus your attention, and imagine things clearly ...and I want you to imagine that you are standing on a balcony overlooking a beautiful garden ... as you look into the garden, you see that it is surrounded with lovely trees ensuring that the garden is private, secluded and peaceful. There are flower beds set in the lovely lawn and further along is a waterfall into a stream ... listen to the sound of the water ... as you look around, you see the trees and you hear a faint sound of a bird singing in the distance, adding to the feeling of deep relaxation through your entire being.
I enjoy using erotic
hypnosis phonesex in
sensual domination phone sex, but I also enjoy
mind control phone sex sessions as well.
Call 1-888-467-6704